Tyszkiewicz, Jan(Oficyna Wydawnicza Związku Karaimów Polskich, 2014)
Dokumenty z Archiwum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, wspomnienia Ireny Krudowskiej i Stanisławy Płaskowickiej oraz materiały pozostawione przez Stanisława Kryczyńskiego pozwalają rzucić nieco światła na pierwsze lata seminarium ...
Kołodziejczyk, Dariusz(Oficyna Wydawnicza Związku Karaimów Polskich, 2014)
Autor wspomina swoje kontakty z Zygmuntem Abrahamowiczem, nieżyjącym już znanym polskim turkologiem pochodzenia karaimskiego. Oprócz katalogu osmańskich dokumentów znajdujących się w polskich archiwach, Abrahamowicz wydał ...
Michałowska-Mycielska, Anna(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 2014)
The Seym of Lithuanian Jews (Hebrew: waad medinat Lita) was established in 1623 by breaking away from the Jewish seym called the Council of the Four Lands (created about 1580). The main reason for the division of the ...
Szlanta, Piotr(Freie Universität Berlin, 2014-10-08)
This paper presents the process of building an independent Polish state during the First World War, which, from the Polish perspective, was the most important result of this conflict. The article focuses mainly on the ...
Niesiołowski-Spano, Łukasz(Taylor & Francis Group, 2015)
The aim of the paper is to review the value and usefulness of the ethnic-markers of ancient societies, based on the assumption that certain populations practice certain eating and drinking habits. In other words, the ...
Masowa emigracja zarobkowa z ziem polskich przed 1914 r. wywołała żywe dyskusje. Wzbudziła obawy o przyszłość narodu. Winę za spowodowanie tego zjawiska i jego narastanie przypisano m.in. agentom emigracyjnym, czyli ...
This book is a collection of analytic studies. They are based principally on the
Sound Toll Registers (STR) preserved in the Danish Public Record Office (Rigsarkivet,
Copenhagen) and on the Sound Toll Tables (Tabeller ...
Kołodziejczyk, Dariusz(The Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2012)
In 1957, when Karl Wittfogel published his seminal book on “Oriental Despotism", it was evident from the outset that the author’s arguments were heavily biased against Russia and deeply rooted in the Cold War atmosphere. ...
Ceremonial has always played a great role among European and Middle Eastern societies, reflecting the value systems cherished by their elites. Embassy instructions and envoys' reports provide valuable material concerning ...
This is a paper presented at the meeting organized at Paris in 2012 to commemorate the 50 years of activity of the Center of Polish Culture at Sorbonne. The Center was organized by Bronislaw Geremek, an eminent Polish ...