Tekst ma za zadanie przedstawienie genezy Święta Paschy. Tradycja biblijna wspomina o owym święcie w kontekście mitycznej przeszłości Hebrajczyków (np. w księdze Wyjścia i Jozuego), lecz zarazem wyraźnie łączy początki ...
The biblical passage concerning the siege of Jerusalem by David (2 Sam. 5:6-10), has drawn scholarly attention numerous times over the years. The formula of exclusion of the blind and lame from the Hebrew cult, which became ...
Niesiołowski-Spano, Łukasz(Taylor & Francis Group, 2015)
The aim of the paper is to review the value and usefulness of the ethnic-markers of ancient societies, based on the assumption that certain populations practice certain eating and drinking habits. In other words, the ...
Social studies and anthropology, based on ethnographical research, take for granted the role of large populous groups in defining ethnicity. Self-definitions of the group, as well as definition by others, are interpreted ...
The article presents the phenomenon of affiliating the foraging groups (Danites, Idumaeans) to the virtual Israel, by the Jewish elites (Biblical authors, Josephus Flavius), as well as excluding others from it (in Ezra and ...