This dissertation concerns the history and the causes of the Irish emigration to the United States in the first half of the 19th century. Author, using British Irish, and to lesser extent also American primary sources, analyses the situation in Ireland before the Great Famine, and the causes of this early emigration from Ireland to the United States. She also describes the character of this emigration, pointing, among other things, to the fact that it was not only roman-catholic, but also prtestant phenomenon.She also analyses the political and economic situation in Ireland, and the situation of emigrants in the United States. The dissertation ends with the Great Famine (including it), and a new wave of emigration from Ireland to the United States. In this respect it shows the differences between those two waves of emigration from Ireland....
Nell’alto medioevo la pratica di uccidere la moglie che non rispettava le norme accettate (infrangendo il codice sessuale, complottando contro il marito, praticando la stregoneria) o che era semplicemente sospettata di farlo era in linea di massima considerato un atto lecito e tollerabile, come testimoniano le fonti giuridiche di molte regioni europee. Tra il secolo VIII e il IX la crescente influenza della Chiesa in materia matrimoniale e il consolidamento della dottrina sulla natura spirituale del matrimonio cristiano e dei rapporti coniugali suggerirono alle autorità ecclesiastiche di impegnarsi a sradicare questa pratica peccaminosa dalla vita sociale. I differenti testi di questo periodo gettano luce sulle tensioni tra la moralità tradizionale basata sull’“economia dell’onore” e l’insegnamento cristiano. Questa tensione disturbava la stabilità del sistema di valori della società altomedievale. Gli scritti di Incmaro di Reims che affrontano la teoria del matrimonio cristiano e i limiti dell’autorità del marito sulla moglie (De coercendo ed exstirpando raptu viduarum, puellarum ac sanctimonialium; De divortio Lotharii regis et Theutbergae reginae) sono qui analizzati per mostrare come i canonisti e i moralisti di questo periodo erano consapevoli di simili conflitti e cercavano di armonizzare le norme contrastanti. Pratiche come la mediazione tra i coniugi, le penitenze pubbliche e l’esclusione monastica della moglie adultera possono essere considerate come un modello delle strategie proposte dalle autorità ecclesiastiche per protegger la vita della donna e allo stesso tempo per salvare l’onore del marito. Tuttavia, nonostante la condanna dell’uxoricidio da parte della Chiesa e il diffondersi della nozione cristina di matrimonio, i numerosi casi che emergono dalle fonti narrative e diplomatiche del secolo IX dimostrano chiaramente che l’uccisione della moglie in nome dell’onore della famiglia non solo costituiva la tradizione accettata, ma era anche considerata come un obbligo morale del marito o dei suoi parenti maschi. Il rifiuto di adempiere a tale obbligo, anche in nome dei principi cristiani, poteva essere pericoloso non solo per la posizione sociale del marito ma anche della sua identità maschile....
This work forms part of a larger project attempting to describe the image, place, and function, as well as the methods of perception of the Muses in the antiquity. It should be stressed that those aspects of the Muses’ image in the Greek culture have been considered particularly worthy of analysis, which have been hitherto ignored or insufficiently highlighted in the research. Thus, among a number of issues under investigation there is for instance the question of the Muses’ place in the ancient Greek religion, the question of the Muses’ gender, or the problem of the relations between poetologische Bildersprache and the culture of a given period, including, among others, analyses of the scenes of poetic initiation.
This study, however, is focused exclusively on the question of the genealogy, names, and number of the Muses. To date, this particular subject-matter has not been approached more comprehensively, while the existing analytical studies are either superficial or flawed with methodological shortcomings....
Kołodziejczyk, Dariusz(The Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2012)
In 1957, when Karl Wittfogel published his seminal book on “Oriental Despotism", it was evident from the outset that the author’s arguments were heavily biased against Russia and deeply rooted in the Cold War atmosphere. Wittfogel’s chief argument about the liaison between irrigation and state despotism had to wait for its critics until more recent times, but his treatment of Russia as an example of a “hydraulic society” was immediately perceived as an intellectual aberration. Nonetheless, the notion of Russia as an “Oriental Tyranny” or “Asiatic Tyranny” proved handy in journalistic efforts to explain the Soviet system to a Western reader, and it has retained some popular cur¬rency up to the present day. In a paragraph of his book, headed “The Introduction of Oriental Despotism into Russia,” Wittfogel blamed the Tatars for being “decisive both in destroying the non-Oriental Kievan society and in laying the foundations for the despotic state of Muscovite and post-Muscovite Russia.” In doing so, he invoked such different authorities as historians Vasilij Ključevskij and George Vernadsky, and... the poet Alexander Pushkin. Among the tremendously rich literary tradition that blames the Mongols and Tatars for infecting the Russian soul with the spirit of despotism, two other influential writers can be named here: a nineteenth-century French author Marquis de Custine and an early twentieth-century Polish historian Jan Kucharzewski....
Szlanta, Piotr(Freie Universität Berlin, 2014-10-08)
This paper presents the process of building an independent Polish state during the First World War, which, from the Polish perspective, was the most important result of this conflict. The article focuses mainly on the political and military developments in the Polish territories between 1914 and 1921. These include the internationalization of the Polish question, Polish political and military activity, occupation regimes in the Polish territories, the collapse of foreign authorities in Poland, the establishment of Polish political institutions, and Polish social and cultural life....
Masowa emigracja zarobkowa z ziem polskich przed 1914 r. wywołała żywe dyskusje. Wzbudziła obawy o przyszłość narodu. Winę za spowodowanie tego zjawiska i jego narastanie przypisano agentom emigracyjnym, czyli pośrednikom sprzedającym bilety na okręty do Ameryki. Wiele przestępstw i nadużyć, które były nagłaśniane w prasie, potwierdzały ten stereotyp. W niniejszej pracy został on poddany analizie i zestawiony z opiniami samych emigrantów. W pracy podjęto również próbę rekonstrukcji i opisu kontekstu społecznego, struktur, zależności i metod działania składających się na pracę agentów emigracyjnych. Zarysowano także problem znaczenia działalności agentów dla emigracji w poszczególnych jej fazach w porównaniu z tym, jaką rolę odgrywały inne czynniki....