The article is meant as a commentary to the reference in Tacitus (Germania 45,3) to ‘fustis’, i.e., a non-metal trauma weapon of the Baltic Aestii who have been identified with the Dollkeim-Kovrovo Culture. The word fustis ...
During the Early Dynastic period southern and northern Babylonia followed different courses of political and economic development. In the Sumerian-speaking South, people lived in small, temple dominated theocratic city-states ...
Gilewski, Michał(Międzywydziałowe Towarzystwo Naukowe Badań i Ochrony Światowego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego "Humanica". Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2011)
in lieu of an abstract here is a brief excerpt:
"Starożytni Majowie zamieszkiwali obszary o trudnych warunkach hydrologicznych, na któ-rych opady były sezonowe i nieprzewidywalne oraz brakowało stałych źródeł wody. Stąd ...
Sarnowski, Tadeusz; Kovalevskaja, Ludmiła(Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2013)
During the fieldwork of 2012 carried out by the joint Ukrainian-Polish Protection Expedition we proceeded further with archaeological investigations on the ancient settlement activity in the Yukharine Ravine, situated in ...