This book is a collection of analytic studies. They are based principally on the
Sound Toll Registers (STR) preserved in the Danish Public Record Office (Rigsarkivet,
Copenhagen) and on the Sound Toll Tables (Tabeller over Skibsfart og Vere
transport gennem 0resund, vols. I, II A, II B) — i.e., printed abstracts from the
STR. Emphasis is laid on source criticism and on long controversial questions of the
balance of trade. The two last essays have a more synthetic character....
Ceremonial has always played a great role among European and Middle Eastern societies, reflecting the value systems cherished by their elites. Embassy instructions and envoys' reports provide valuable material concerning codes of behavior in early modern diplomacy. What was considered "proper," and how was an envoy expected to behave in order to stress his sovereign's dignity and power? Oriental courts in Istanbul and Bahçesaray developed elaborate ceremonials for foreign envoys. Forced into a deep prostration before the Muslim ruler, sometimes even threatened with physical violence, Polish envoys deeply resented their humiliation. Some of them sought comfort in alcohol, others produced fabulous reports of their imaginary altercations with Ottoman and Crimean dignitaries, and others found pleasure and revenge in contemptuous descriptions of their hosts' "barbarous" habits. Until recently, such diplomatic reports have been used in Polish historiography almost uncritically. Yet such reports often tell us more about their authors' mentalities than about the world they pretend to describe....
Grand Duchy of Lithuania lost strategical points in frontier zone (Smolensk, Polotsk), as a result of wars against Russia, which were waged in XVI century. These yields showed the direction of Moscow’s expansion, toward Baltic Sea. Stefan Batory’s campaigns let the Commonwealth to regain Polotsk Province and Livonia. In the period of so-called Dymitriady Polish-Lithuanian state exploited the Moscow’s difficult position, taking Smolensk (1611) and, thanks to Deulino truce, lands of Smolensk, Chernigov and Seversk. Moscow was unable to regain its lost territories in the time of war, waged in 1632–34 and only after thirteen years war (1654–67) took contested lands. Besides them, Russia won Left Bank Ukraine with Kiev (Andrusovo Treaty, January 1667), what was confirmed in peace treaty in 1686. The Commonwealth lost the rivalry with Russia in that part of Europe, since it was not able to conduct more active policy in the East, because of the King John III Sobieski’s engagement in conflict with Ottoman Turkey together with the Holy League....
Michałowska-Mycielska, Anna(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 2014)
The Seym of Lithuanian Jews (Hebrew: waad medinat Lita) was established in 1623 by breaking away from the Jewish seym called the Council of the Four Lands (created about 1580). The main reason for the division of the institution was the dualism of the Crown treasury and Lithuania (Lithuanian Jews were answerable to the Lithuanian treasurer [podskarbi]). The scope of the activity of the Seym of Lithuanian Jews was very broad. Apart from the distribution and collection of taxes, the seym settled all problems important for Jews, which included administrative, economic, religious and social questions. It also regulated issues connected with contacts with non-Jewish institutions and the Christian population. The Lithuanian Waad, like its counterpart in the Polish Kingdom, was dissolved at the convocation seym of 1764 as part of administrative and financial reforms.... Sejm Żydów Litewskich (hebr. waad medinat Lita) został utworzony w 1623 roku przez usamodzielnienie się od sejmu żydowskiego zwanego Sejmem Czterech Ziem (powstałego około 1580). Głównym powodem wyodrębnienia się tej instytucji był dualizm skarbowości Korony i Litwy, przy którym Żydzi litewscy w naturalny sposób podlegali podskarbiemu litewskiemu. Zakres działalności Sejmu Żydów Litewskich był bardzo szeroki. Oprócz rozkładu i poboru podatków państwowych sejm regulował wszystkie istotne dla Żydów kwestie (administracyjne, gospodarcze, religijne, społeczne), a także kwestie kontaktów z instytucjami nieżydowskimi i ludnością chrześcijańską. Waad litewski, podobnie jak koronny, został rozwiązany w czasie sejmu konwokacyjnego 1764, w ramach reform administracyjno-skarbowych.... Das Parlament (der Sejm) der Litauischen Juden (Hebräisch waad medinat Lita) entstand 1623 durch die Teilung des jüdischen Parlaments, dem sog. Sejm der Vier Länder (gegründet um 1580). Der Hauptgrund für die Ausgliederung der Institution war der Dualismus des Finanzwesens von Polen und Litauen, die litauischen Juden unterstanden traditionell dem litauischen Schatzmeister (Pol. podskarbi). Der Zuständigkeitsbereich des Sejms der Litauischen Juden war sehr breit. Neben der Erhebung und Verteilung der staatlichen Steuern war der Sejm für alle für die Juden relevanten Fragen (administrative, wirtschaft liche, religiöse und soziale) zuständig sowie für die Kontakte mit nicht-jüdischen Institutionen und der christlichen Bevölkerung. Ebenso wie in Polen wurde auch der Litauische Vaad während des Konvokationssejms 1764 aufgelöst, im Rahmen der Verwaltungs- und Steuerreform....