Grand Duchy of Lithuania lost strategical points in frontier zone (Smolensk, Polotsk), as a result of wars against Russia, which were waged in XVI century. These yields showed the direction of Moscow’s expansion, toward ...
Celem naszej pracy jest przedstawienie sejmików mazowieckich w okresie panowania Wazów — gdy Warszawa stała się nie tylko miejscem elekcji i sejmów, ale też rzeczywistym centrum życia politycznego Rzeczypospolitej, a ...
Ceremonial has always played a great role among European and Middle Eastern societies, reflecting the value systems cherished by their elites. Embassy instructions and envoys' reports provide valuable material concerning ...
Michałowska-Mycielska, Anna(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 2014)
The Seym of Lithuanian Jews (Hebrew: waad medinat Lita) was established in 1623 by breaking away from the Jewish seym called the Council of the Four Lands (created about 1580). The main reason for the division of the ...